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Prom Photography from Partycliks the UK's leading Prom photography company
Party Cliks
Published in Proms · Friday 22 Nov 2013 ·  1:15
Tags: PromPromsSchoolpicturesschoolphotographypromphotogrpaherdreamprompromdresspromnightsschoolpromsprompicturespromphotosschoolphotography

What makes Partycliks perfect for Proms?

There are so many reasons why Partycliks event photography is great for your school, college or University Prom.  Primarily what makes us the UK’s leading Prom photographer is our unique modern style. We understand that as students this is an important social event. The girls have been planning and shopping for their prom dresses for months and finding evening dresses and prom dresses can be stressful and expensive! So, once you have the perfect prom dress of course you will want to be photographed looking amazing and glamorous. Partycliks is no ordinary prom photographer we add some luxury and style to your prom by setting up full size professional photo studios and props right at your prom venue. We have loads of fun backdrops to pose against with all your friends and classmates and you will get two large prom photographs of your choice to take home. We take all the reportage pictures of everyone arriving in their best evenings dresses and attire plus we take great modern class and year pictures, prom girls, prom guys against our studio backdrops which includes red carpet arrival.

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