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Birthday Party Photography
Party Cliks
Published by Party Cliks Team in Party Photography · Tuesday 29 Jul 2014 ·  1:00
Tags: weddingphotographyBirthdaypartyphotographerspartyphotographyeventphotography

Partycliks is perfect for Birthday parties. We provide an ideal surprise gift for those big Birthdays. Imagine our professional photography studio at your daughters 18th party. Looking gorgeous and with all her best friends, they will enjoy being snapped like superstars on our red carpet arrival studio and then inside the venue against a variety of glamorous studio backdrops. At the end of the night everyone will have perfect party portraits, picture so perfect they will look like they are from the cover of all the top glossy magazines.
Our professional portraits studios are portable and do not take up lots of space at your party venue. Not only do we provide the opportunity for perfect pictures, our service provides a unique, fun and exciting photography experience. Plus, printed on site, you and your guests get to take home the 8x10 portraits of your choice.

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